storygathering cards
Threshold Collaborative has developed a set of cards to help you engage your community in positive change through story.
Decks are $25 including tax/shipping within the U.S. and Canada.
Paperback, $15 30 pages
MIXTAPE is a compilation of oral history projects that are part of Groundswell: Oral History for Social Change. Groundswell is a network of oral historians, activists, cultural workers, community organizers, and documentary artists that use oral history to further movement building and transformative social change.
Storygathering Toolkit
Paperback, $15 34 pages
The story gathering and sharing process is powerful. It can do many things; celebrate triumphs, connect people, document and preserve memories and help storytellers engage with their lived experiences in powerful ways. The work we do to support strength and resilience in our communities and individuals requires us to have high ethical standards that are flexible and transparent. Here we provide an outline that will inform our conversation about story gathering, sharing and publication ethics.